Tips and Tricks for Ketli URL Shortening Service

May 15, 2023
11 mins read
Tips and Tricks for Ketli URL Shortening Service

Ketli is a URL-shortening service that allows you to create short, custom links for your website or blog. With Ketli, you can track clicks, create branded links, and prevent link rot.

Here are some tips and tricks for using the Ketli URL shortening service:

  • Use tracking parameters: When you create a short link with Ketli, you can use tracking parameters to track the number of clicks, the source of the clicks, and the location of the clicks. This data can be used to track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and to improve your content and messaging.
  • Create branded links: You can use Ketli to create branded links. This can help you to build brand awareness and to make your links more memorable. To create a branded link, simply add your brand name or logo to the short link.
  • Prevent link rot: Link rot is the process of a URL becoming invalid or broken. Ketli can help to prevent link rot by creating permanent links that are less likely to become invalid. To prevent link rot, simply add a custom domain name to your short links.

Here are some additional tips for using the Ketli URL shortening service:

  • Use a reputable link-shortening service: There are many link-shortening services available, so it is important to choose one that is reputable and reliable. Ketli is a reputable link-shortening service that is used by millions of people around the world.
  • Use tracking parameters: When you create a short link with Ketli, you can use tracking parameters to track the number of clicks, the source of the clicks, and the location of the clicks. This data can be used to track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and to improve your content and messaging.
  • Analyze your data: Once you have collected data from your short links, it is important to analyze the data to see what is working and what is not. This data can be used to make adjustments to your marketing campaigns and to improve your content and messaging.
  • Make adjustments: Based on your analysis, you may need to make adjustments to your marketing campaigns. For example, if you find that a particular link is not performing well, you may want to try a different link or a different marketing campaign.

By following these tips, you can use the Ketli URL shortening service to improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Here are some additional features of the Ketli URL shortening service:

  • Custom domains: You can add a custom domain name to your short links. This can help to build brand awareness and to make your links more memorable.
  • Tracking: Ketli allows you to track the number of clicks, the source of the clicks, and the location of the clicks. This data can be used to track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and to improve your content and messaging.
  • Analytics: Ketli provides you with detailed analytics about your short links. This data can be used to see what is working and what is not.
  • Security: Ketli uses industry-leading security measures to protect your data.

Ketli URL shortening service is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. By using Ketli, you can make it easier to type and share links, track the clicks on a link, create branded links, prevent link rot, and use custom domains and tracking.

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